Ok. See what happens when an amateur (moi) accidentally pushes a couple of buttons. Pictures were touched up through Photoshop. It was alot worse than what you see.
Looked at manual after I got home and chose different settings and hopefully it will come out ok the next time and the problem being the user and not the camera!
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Zodiac Year: Rooster
Favorite T.V. programs: Heroes, CSI, 24, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Cold Case, Scrubs, Take Home Chef, What Not to Wear and The Cooking Food Channels.
Favorite Books: Angels and Demons, Deception Point, The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Legacy.
Man on Fire, Along Came a Spider.
Favorite Restaurants: Lebanese-La Sieren(Ahuntsic),
Chinese- Kum Mon (Cote des Neiges), La Maison Kam Fung (Chinatown), Beijing (Chinatown), La Perle (Pointe Claire),
Mexican-Carlos & Pepes (Downtown),
American - Baton Rouge (Downtown),
Italian-Le Muscaden (Old Montreal), Di Sera (Pointe Claire), Restaurant Roberto.
Greek-La Casa Grecque (Plateau), Nostos (Ahuntsic).
Japanese - Katsura (Downtown),
Spanish - Galicia
French - Le Chambertin
(Pointe Claire.)